It is carried out by means of influence on problem zones of the directed physical activity actuating a fatty fabric of 3-5 sm in the thickness.
It quickly eliminates surplus, promoting that to decrease in weight of a body.
Action of a belt for growing thin is supervised by a microcomputer integrating:
- The control, heating and magnetic influence.
As a result blood circulation that promotes metabolism normalisation improves. activates meridians of Tszinlo, takes off weariness, an ache in joints, pain.
Heat generated by a belt renders local anaesthetising effect. Thanks to heating there is a burning of fats, improvement of a metabolism and decrease in weight of a body.
The thermal magnets located in a belt, create a magnetic field and counterbalance balance In and Jan in an organism, improve microblood circulation, do a skin smooth and fresh, and a figure harmonous and beautiful.
The belt for growing thin can be used on a waist, a neck, feet, hips, hands.
It will be very useful to the people conducting an inactive way of life.
Indications to application:
- Excess weight;
- миалгии and a neuralgia;
- A rheumatic arthritis;
- A radiculitis, a backbone osteochondrosis;
- Microcirculation infringement in fabrics , paralyses, a multiple sclerosis;
- Strong weariness;
- A biopower disbalance.
Contra-indications to application:
- The raised coagulability of blood;
- A hypertension and a stenocardia of heavy severity levels; insufficiency of blood circulation;
- The sharp and chronic hemorrhoids complicated by a thrombosis;
- A chronic thrombophlebitis of veins of the bottom finitenesses;
- Diabetic defeats of vessels;
- Sharp thromboses;
- A tuberculosis in the active form and other infectious diseases;
- Propensity to a bleeding (plentiful monthly, various bleedings), and also any infringements blood and propensities to the raised permeability of walls of blood vessels;
- Oncological diseases;
- The early postoperative period;
- To pregnant women;
- At urolithic and illnesses.
Advantages of the given model:
1. Along with «effect of a sauna», created thanks to a tight layer, here three methods of physical influence (magnetic, heating, ).
2. Possibility of work from an electric network 220V through the adapter and automobile batteries 12V (a nest , through the transitive device).
3. Possibility of adjustment of speed and intensity of vibrating massage.
4. Convenient microcomputer management and automatic deenergizing.
5. Constant and pulsing modes that allows to apply a belt for the purpose of a raising of a tone after physical overfatigue.
6. A mode of heating with the disconnected vibrators. It gives the chance to use it as an electrohot-water bottle.
7. The belt is completely safe for the person, since working pressure on a belt of all 12V.
Features of application:
1. After device use it is recommended to drink a water glass since during procedure the organism loses a liquid quantity.
2. It is recommended to use a belt 2 hours prior to meal and in an hour after meal.
3. Children can use the device only in the presence of adults and under the control of the pediatrist.