The Chinese prophylactic made of application of theoretical conclusions of a science about preservation of a life. A major principle of this theory of a preventive food is the thesis: at a food and a medicine - the general source, is supported by a food a life, a food fills a lack of nutrients, a food recover. These principles personify high level medicine, high achievements of medical practice and reflect the tendency of aspiration of mankind to natural, natural currents in the field of public health services.
Antilipidnyj tea "Tjanshi" is a quintessence from a natural plant. Base raw materials - green tea. To it natural components of a phytogenesis are added: , seeds of Kassija a Torah, lotus leaves, the mountaineer multi-colour after . Functional effect of tea - level decrease , temperature decrease, digestion improvement, a spleen and a stomach. the mountaineer multi-colour after спецобработки strengthen energy of Jan. Leaves of a lotus and seeds of Kassija a Torah possess febrifugal property. Antilipidnyj tea, on the one hand, clears an organism, on the other hand, supplements energy, creates its balance.
All it corresponds to principles of pharmacology of the Chinese medicine. The given means, on the one hand, does not cause infringement of function of all organism, on the other hand - does not conduct to loss of energy of an organism. It has no collateral influences unlike chemical preparations. In it the secret of a preventive food of the Chinese medicine also is concluded. And one more feature of tea - its main making component - green tea, is applied as means of support of medical properties of other means. Using the given preparation, the person feels aroma and pleasant smack what should have good tea. Therefore the use of this tea strengthens own health.
1. Improves a fatty exchange in an organism, deduces cholesterol from walls of blood vessels.
2. Improves sight.
3. Reduces a nervous tension at stresses, tones up an organism in the afternoon, supplying with its energy at the expense of combustion of fats.
4. Normalises raised, stabilises normal and raises the lowered arterial pressure.
5. Stimulating an effect has on immunity.
6. Deduces toxic substances from an organism. Well reduces the raised temperature.
7. Removes a hungover syndrome (freshens a head and gives force), improves function of a gastroenteric path and a liver.
8. Suppresses growth and occurrence of cancer cages.
9. Use tea as preventive and improving means at an atherosclerosis of vessels, an ischemic heart trouble, a vegeto-vascular dystonia;
10. For improvement of the general state of health and a condition of nervous system;
11. At food and professional poisonings, and also at respiratory diseases and a flu;
12. As means of preventive maintenance of a cancer of an intestines and a cirrhosis;
13. As a part of complex therapy at diseases of a liver and a gastroenteric path.
Antilipidnyj tea "Tjanshi"
Direction of use:
On 1–2 bags in day. To fill in a bag of hot water of 200-500 ml and to insist 10 minutes. To drink in the morning, at normal pressure – it is better after meal, at an elevated pressure – 30 minutes prior to meal, at the lowered pressure – in 1–1,5 hours after meal. It is possible to make one bag 2 times during the day. It is not recommended in second half of day, especially after 18.00. On a course – 1 packing.
Bag contents can be poured out in a pot with flowers instead of fertilizer.
It is not recommended to children till 12 years, to pregnant and feeding women.
Unit Price : £ 9.5