The device for stabilisation of an arterial blood pressure consists of 3 groups of a metal teeth-terminations, VIC electrospending disks, the basis in the form of a metal frame and the main form. Device action is based on a combination of last achievements of medicine and the theory of power channels (meridians) of traditional Chinese medicine. Influence on a hypertensia (a hypertension, the raised arterial blood pressure) is carried out by bioelectric therapy. With its help influence on the electric streams penetrating all live, including human body is carried out. Recent opening in medicine confirm close dependence of a hypertension on bioelectric streams which are in turn regulated and corrected by microelectric influence of the device. The device and decrease in an arterial blood pressure is developed for stabilisation to Gao Dzhidzhunom awarded of 8 international awards for workings out, the hypertensions (hypertensia) aimed at treatment or the raised blood arterial pressure. In comparison with other ways of the treatment, the offered approach distinguish:
* Compactness. In diameter the device does not exceed 10 see, easily is located in one hand.
* Insignificant weight. The device is very simple in circulation. If a metal teeth is whole, to use the device it is possible practically during not limited term.
* the Rule of five "is not present". influence by a magnetic field, absence of the external power supply, absence of a connecting cord, absence of necessity of power influence on point. Absence of necessity for someone's help and restrictions on a device usage time.
* Decrease in an arterial blood pressure within 3 minutes. Influence on decrease in a high arterial blood pressure is carried out already after first 3 minutes. However, if you applied any medicines, it is not recommended to stop at once them to accept in order to avoid by-effects.
* device Use at the lowered arterial blood pressure (hypotonia). it is effective not only for pressure decrease, but also at a hypotonia (the lowered pressure) it keeps a blood pressure within physiological norm.
* Prevention . device use allows to supervise process . In young and middle age device application can stimulate growth of hair, promote disposal of a grey hair.
* the Device promotes a healthy and happy life. The device we will not replace for various categories of patients. At students - stimulates brain blood circulation, improves memory. In young and middle age device use can prevent occurrence of a hypertension (elevated pressure), diseases of blood vessels of a brain, heart, to relieve of headaches. Besides, the device promotes health and beauty preservation as a whole.
Clinical researches of the device for stabilisation and decrease in an arterial blood pressure
Clinical researches have been spent in hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai, Guandzhou, Lianmong, Chanchzhun, Hajbej, in Japan, Russia, Turkey and in the Near East. Tests were spent to Russia by Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Far East centre. Everywhere efficiency of the device has been confirmed at treatment of a hypertension (hypertensia). Decrease in blood arterial pressure occurred already after the first session within 3-5 minutes. Effect achievement in cases needed carrying out of three sessions for 3 minutes everyone in which process it was carried out 20-30 movements ("combing") in a minute. Application of the device within 5 minutes in the corresponding way kills local pains. Periodic use of the device allows to support your health constantly.