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Biopower improving mattress

The given mattress possesses unique improving effect thanks to properties of stones filling it (a nephrite, tourist's raspberries, «a porcelain stone»).
The person, as well as the earth, has the magnetic field formed by means of biocurrents. In norm currents of a biological body are in a condition of constant movement and  among themselves. At infringement of this balance there is an interference of movement, dispersion  that breaks functioning of an internal.
The improving mattress possesses ability to develop negatively charged ions, thereby raising level of negative ions in blood. Activization of an ionic exchange helps receipt of necessary quantity of nutrients in cages, stimulating physiological deducing from an organism of harmful substances.
Constant use of a biopower mattress of Tjanshi promotes restoration of balance of a magnetic field of the person, normalisation of a metabolism, Tszinlo (circulation of streams of energy and blood) and regulation of the broken functions.

The basic features of influence of a mattress:

1. Activization of molecules of water.
Thanks to influence of long-wave infra-red radiation water molecules in blood that promotes regulation of its viscosity become more active, process of saturation of blood by oxygen is accelerated, and increasing blood circulation improves supply of cages by nutrients and oxygen, slowing down thereby ageing processes.
2. Activization of work of cages of an organism, metabolism stimulation.
The mattress possesses ability to develop negatively charged ions that gives the chance to raise at its constant use level of negative ions in blood, thereby, stimulating physiological deducing from an organism of harmful substances, slags.
3. Blood clarification, an establishment of kislotno-alkaline balance of blood.
Long-wave infra-red radiation influences mechanisms of transformation of superfluous acidity in normal . And in the conditions of blood saturation by negative ions helps to achieve result of clarification.
4. Completion of vital force.
With the help of "life beams» biopower mattress the effect of improvement of Tsi of blood is reached, heart becomes stronger and the organism vitality raises.
5. Maintenance of nervous self-control of an organism.
6. Thermoregulation.
The mattress possesses unique property of thermoregulation: in the winter to you it will be warm, and in the summer it will give sensation of a cool.
7. Blood circulation activization, increase of resistibility of an organism.
Thanks to activization of blood circulation the mattress will help to get rid of a cold sense and  finitenesses, a back, humeral joints, will help to normalise a blood pressure, to lower risk of formation of blood clots in blood vessels, will help to strengthen immune system, to accelerate process of healing of wounds.