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Iron is necessary for haemoglobin containing in blood which transfers oxygen to all cages of a body. As a part of haemoglobin of red blood little bodies the iron most part - 60 % contains, other iron collects in a liver, a spleen and a marrow in the form of ferriferous fiber  of which haemoglobin as required can be formed. Low level  in blood testifies to long deficiency of iron. Besides, iron contains in muscular fiber -  (18 %) which provides in addition with muscle oxygen at hard work. Iron is a component of many enzymes and body fibers, participates in DNA synthesis, plays the important role in struggle of immune system against bacteria and viruses, participates in a metabolism (exchange) of cholesterol, promotes  poison gases in a liver. Deficiency of iron - the most widespread reason of an anaemia, but it not unique display of deficiency of iron. Even insignificant deficiency of iron conducts to exhaustion, deterioration of ability to training, easing of immune system, body temperature decrease, to physical strength and endurance loss, reduction of activity of a thyroid gland. At the expressed deficiency of iron nails (are damaged  fabrics, in particular, deformation), language fabrics (the inflammation, burning), a stomach are etc. Most subject to deficiency of iron children with the accelerated rates of increase, at infantile age (children on artificial feeding), boys of 6-7 years, girls during the teenage period, women of the genital period, the older persons sick, subject chronic  (gastroenteric bleedings, plentiful monthly) etc.

Attention! If there are no direct instructions on deficiency of iron (is better confirmed laboratory), to appoint the bioadditive with iron follows with care since iron overdose is undesirable in connection with such complication as  at which surplus of iron collects in vitals, such as a liver, a pancreas and heart that conceals in itself potential danger of development of some kinds of a cancer, risk of development of an atherosclerosis, a diabetes, inflammatory diseases of joints etc. In a word, at surplus - the iron which has been not connected by haemoglobin or other fibers of an organism, it is subject to process  oxidations and operates, as the free radical damaging any fabrics of an organism to which comes into contact. It dictates care at appointment of the bioadditive with iron.

 (Lactic) gland, ascorbic acid, folic acid, glucose.


    * Alimentary  anemias (a lack of iron of food, more often - deficiency of products of an animal origin).
    * After big  (in connection with a trauma, surgical operation,  a bleeding, including, connected with process of sorts etc.).
    * In puberty at girls with plentiful and long monthly (to an establishment of a normal cycle).
    * At adult women at dysfunction , accompanied plentiful monthly, leading considerable .
    * Bleedings in the climacteric period at women.
    * the Anemia of pregnant women.
    * At  (diseases of kidneys at which occurs to urine).
    * At  gastritises; at the patients who have transferred a resection of a stomach (decrease in mastering of iron).
    * At  and children, raised it is artificial or  on the first year of a life.
    * At the big physical activities and at the sportsmen who are engaged in power kinds of sports.

Contra-indications: bioiron is not shown patients with an infection of a gastroenteric path (iron stimulates growth of pathogenic microbes in intestines), and also at others inflammatory or infectious diseases. To children till 7 years and to older persons (is more senior 65 years) - only after consultation of the doctor.

The release form: 120 gelatinous capsules.

Direction of use: Between food intakes: 1,5 hours prior to or after meal to wash down with 1 glass of pure warm water.

Dosage: On 1 capsule 2 times a day, to pregnant and feeding mothers - to 2 capsules 2 times a day. At heavy anemias, or massive  the dose can be increased.