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Tea for growing thin

The given kind BUD is the present phytotherapeutic means, is made under the recipe recommended by experts of traditional Chinese medicine. It is intended for people with weight above permitted standard.

Structure of tea for growing thin:

The main component of "Tea of Tjanshi» is tea - «a black dragon». Tea "Kudin" with addition of leaves of a lotus, seeds of Kassija a Torah, частухи, a rhubarb, a tangerine peel. At its manufacturing all technological parametres are strictly observed.

The description of tea for growing thin:

Therapeutic effect: clears and deduces slags, reduces level , reduces weight, strengthens spleen function, deletes a pathogenic moisture, humidifies intestines, improves a chair. The given kind BUD - «Tea of Tjanshi», experimentally on animals and people confirms effect of weight reduction, is very effective and safe. Quality stable, is not present by-effects. It is convenient for reception. He is favourite BUD for broad masses and, for today, is ideal means for weight reduction.
Clinical practice confirms that components of "Tea of Tjanshi»
• tea «Black dragon»
• tea "Kudin"
Have febrifugal, antiinflammatory, bactericidal effect, promote phlegm removal, stop cough, tone up stomach function, improve digestion, raise vivacity, a tone, freshen a head, promotes weight reduction, show anticancer action, protect from radioactive radiation, reduce level  blood and cholesterol.

Lotus leaves - by the nature means neutralised, with bitter smack, has knitting property, with febrifugal effect. Can freshen and make active energy , disseminates blood stagnation, stops a bleeding. Modern researches confirm that the extract or broth of leaves of a lotus shows effect of expansion of vessels, reduces a blood pressure.

Seeds Kassija Tora. By the nature means , with sweet-bitter smack. The main components of these seeds -  substances. They can interfere with level increase  cholesterol and to formation of plaques  arteries. Has considerable effect of decrease .

 by the nature means cooling, has smack, influences decomposition of fats, thereby, reduces quantity of the substances necessary for synthesis of cholesterol, reduces  blood, warns  arteries and formation of a "grease" liver.

Tea  for weight reduction effectively regulates organism functions, accelerates decomposition of fats of the organism, there most providing effect for weight reduction. The given kind BUD in 1999 г has received the certificate of Ministry of Health of the Peoples Republic of China.

Indications to application:

   1. The raised weight of a body and various degree of adiposity.
   2. An atherosclerosis of vessels of heart, a brain and the bottom finitenesses.
   3. An ischemic heart trouble, a stenocardia.
   4. Hypertensive illness.
   5. The Vegeto-vascular dystonia.
   6. .
   7. High intellectual and physical activities, including for improvement of the general state of health and a condition of nervous system.
   8. Respiratory diseases, a flu and quinsy.
   9. A cancer of a stomach, an intestines as preventive maintenance means.
  10. Hepatitises and a cirrhosis.
  11. A diabetes (as auxiliary means).
  12. A hungover syndrome, alcoholic intoxication.
  13. A syndrome of chronic weariness.
  14. Chronic diseases of a gastroenteric path.
  15. Puffiness, flabbiness of a skin.


Direction of use:
- To make 1 bag on 1/2 litres of water, to insist 10-15 minutes under a cover. To drink during the day.

- During the program for weight reduction: to make 1 bag on 1 glass of water. To accept 2-3 times a day: from 5 o'clock till 7 o'clock, from 13 o'clock till 15 o'clock and from 21 o'clock till 23 o'clock. Duration of the program 1-3 months.
The release form: 40 bags in packing.

It is not recommended to children till 12 years, pregnant and feeding.