Structure of biocalcium for a brain:
Calcium from fresh bones of the horned cattle, allocated as a result ферментативной processings (170 mg. In a capsule), lecithin, таурин, vitamins B1, B12, With, folic acid.
The description of biocalcium for improvement of activity of a brain
The product can not only fill an element necessary for an organism calcium, but also improve a food of a brain, nervous system, stir up activity of brain cages, raise intelligence. This most good means for activation of brain cages, memory improvements, against ageing of a brain and for increase of efficiency of brain cages. Fills shortage of calcium, improves a food of a brain, nervous system. Stirs up brain activity, improves memory.
Lecithin is a part of membranes of cages of all organism, its maintenance in cages of nervous system and brain fabrics owing to what it improves function нейронов and covers of nerves is especially high, influencing memory and intellectual working capacity. Lecithin possesses antisclerous action. As the component blood plasmas in high density, promotes return transport of cholesterol and its allocation from walls of vessels. Simultaneously it favours to decrease in level of arterial pressure.
Vitamin В1 models transfer of a nervous impulse, regulates sodium carrying over through membrane.
Vitamin В12 is necessary for haemoglobin synthesis – an oxygen carrier, therefore increases consumption of oxygen by fabrics, shows antisclerous action, participates also in formation covers of nervous cages together with folic acid .
Vitamin of Vd (folic acid) takes part in regulation of processes and antisclerous an effect has. Especially it is necessary to notice the importance of folic acid for prevention of pre-natal developmental anomalies at a fruit, its growth and development that defines importance of Vd at pregnancy.
Vitamin C takes part in oxidation-reduction reactions of an organism, being an antioxidant. It influences synthesis hormones in a bark of adrenal glands, к, therefore possesses action, influences a psycho-emotional condition of the person. Raises protective forces of an organism, reduces cholesterol level, promotes mastering of iron and normalises processes .
Calcium from fresh bones of the horned cattle, allocated as a result ферментативной processings (170 mg. In a capsule), lecithin, таурин, vitamins B1, B12, With, folic acid.
The description of biocalcium for improvement of activity of a brain
The product can not only fill an element necessary for an organism calcium, but also improve a food of a brain, nervous system, stir up activity of brain cages, raise intelligence. This most good means for activation of brain cages, memory improvements, against ageing of a brain and for increase of efficiency of brain cages. Fills shortage of calcium, improves a food of a brain, nervous system. Stirs up brain activity, improves memory.
Lecithin is a part of membranes of cages of all organism, its maintenance in cages of nervous system and brain fabrics owing to what it improves function нейронов and covers of nerves is especially high, influencing memory and intellectual working capacity. Lecithin possesses antisclerous action. As the component blood plasmas in high density, promotes return transport of cholesterol and its allocation from walls of vessels. Simultaneously it favours to decrease in level of arterial pressure.
Vitamin В1 models transfer of a nervous impulse, regulates sodium carrying over through membrane.
Vitamin В12 is necessary for haemoglobin synthesis – an oxygen carrier, therefore increases consumption of oxygen by fabrics, shows antisclerous action, participates also in formation covers of nervous cages together with folic acid .
Vitamin of Vd (folic acid) takes part in regulation of processes and antisclerous an effect has. Especially it is necessary to notice the importance of folic acid for prevention of pre-natal developmental anomalies at a fruit, its growth and development that defines importance of Vd at pregnancy.
Vitamin C takes part in oxidation-reduction reactions of an organism, being an antioxidant. It influences synthesis hormones in a bark of adrenal glands, к, therefore possesses action, influences a psycho-emotional condition of the person. Raises protective forces of an organism, reduces cholesterol level, promotes mastering of iron and normalises processes .
Use of biocalcium for improvement of activity of a brain
1. As means, at the raised intellectual loadings at teenagers-schoolboys and students;
2. At memory impairment at any age, it is especially effective at persons of advanced age;
3. At treatment of vascular defeats of any localisation, for normalisation an exchange at an atherosclerosis, treatment of emotional stress, an epilepsy;
4. At primary and secondary insufficiency of adrenal glands;
5. In pregnancy;
6. As an additional source of calcium.
How to accept biocalcium for improvement of activity of a brain
On 1 capsule 3 times a day. It is possible to begin with 1 capsule in day. Between food intakes, washing down 1/2 – 1 glass of warm water.
On a course – 1 packing.
It is not recommended to children till 12 years.
1. As means, at the raised intellectual loadings at teenagers-schoolboys and students;
2. At memory impairment at any age, it is especially effective at persons of advanced age;
3. At treatment of vascular defeats of any localisation, for normalisation an exchange at an atherosclerosis, treatment of emotional stress, an epilepsy;
4. At primary and secondary insufficiency of adrenal glands;
5. In pregnancy;
6. As an additional source of calcium.
How to accept biocalcium for improvement of activity of a brain
On 1 capsule 3 times a day. It is possible to begin with 1 capsule in day. Between food intakes, washing down 1/2 – 1 glass of warm water.
On a course – 1 packing.
It is not recommended to children till 12 years.