Convenient and simple in use the improvingly-preventive device, which regular application gives the same effect, as exercises lasting many hours.
Still great healer Avitsenna considered that physical exercises do unnecessary the long use of medicines. Physical activity - health pledge.
In a basis of creation of this unique masseur for feet the theory about a human Organism-pendulum which requires constant rocking, that is in stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system giving correct, synchronising impulses to all organism has laid down.
Numerous researches have shown that thus organism cages receive the greatest dose of oxygen so necessary for it.
Having put the feet on a masseur, you comfortable slackness and rhythmical rocking. The backbone and joints, irrespective of you go in for sports. The organism receives high-grade physical activity, is sated , muscles get elasticity, blood circulation amplifies.
Prominent features of the device:
1. Multifunctionality, absence of by-effects. Device use probably at any age.
2. Recommended position - lying on a back. The general loading on a backbone thus decreases, forces are not spent for its deduction in vertical position that provides a relaxation.
3. In a prone position falling, dislocations and other traumas are excluded, the probability of a tachycardia and pressure increase is low.
4. Simplicity in circulation, ease in a resock.
The mechanism of action of a masseur:
- Deducing from an organism of toxins;
- Decrease in fatty weight of a body;
- Elimination of chronic locks;
- Improvement of cardiovascular system – blood circulation and microcirculation strengthening;
- Activization of biologically active points and normalisation of circulation of energy on meridians;
- Increase of function of immune system;
- Work improvement systems;
- Restoration of functional activity and decrease in pains of kostno-muscular system;
- Strengthening of function of the cages participating ;
- Strengthening of effect of biological products at simultaneous use.
Indications to use:
- An anaemia;
- An arthritis, pains in joints, a gout;
- A sleeplessness, a nervous tension and overexcitation;
- A syndrome of chronic weariness, an inactive way of life;
- Hemorrhoids, locks;
- Excess weight;
- миалгии, a neuralgia, a radiculitis;
- Blood circulation infringement in finitenesses;
- Long work standing;
- Presenilation.
Thrombophlebitis, malignant new growths, urolithic and желчекаменная illnesses, backbone traumas, sharp processes in an organism.
Unit Price : £ 245