Biocalcium for children
Structure of biocalcium for children:
The given product is made specially for children. Calcium from fresh bones of the horned cattle, allocated as a result processings (360 мг.в a bag), a powder of an egg yolk, dry whole milk, таурин, iron and zinc elements, vitamins.
By working out of the given product, at recipe drawing up, features of children in growth and development have been considered. The product contains nine kinds of the amino acids, necessary vitamins and microcells, than it is possible to satisfy requirement of an organism of children in , lecithin, and other nutrients that can correct a disbalance of nutrients and the lack of calcium caused by an improper feeding and wrong structure of a food. The product can improve mental faculties and health of children.
The description of biocalcium for children
Allows to correct a disbalance of nutrients and the calcium lack, caused by an improper feeding. Promotes intellectual development, strengthens health.
Use of biocalcium for children
2 times a year (in the spring, in the autumn), especially living in adverse ecological conditions are recommended to all children; as means, preventive maintenance of a rickets and anemias; at allergic and inflammatory processes in a skin ( vulgar eels), at bad, a brittle hair and nails. As an additional source of calcium, for memory improvement.
How to accept biocalcium for children
On 1 bag once a day.
To dissolve bag contents in warm water, to drink 10–15 minutes prior to meal or to add in various dishes of a semi-fluid consistence.
On a course – 1 packing.