Biocalcium for diabetics
The dietary food additive. The given kind of the additive with dietary calcium is specially developed for people with high level of sugar in blood.
The basic components of the given product:
Raw materials for manufacturing of a dietary product-calcium - fresh bones of horned livestock and many other nutrients. Thanks to bioengineering high technology, to processing, the product has been provided by set of nutrients, having kept in them natural properties the main place among which occupies organic calcium. Therefore, the given product is a product of thin processing and is easily acquired.
The powder of calcium received as a result of processing of fresh bones of horned livestock, with the additive of a powder of a pumpkin, a malt extract, vitamins and microcells. It is necessary to notice that the powder of a pumpkin added in a product is very effective for diabetes treatment, therefore it is possible to name this kind of the additive "antidiabetic". The given additive can satisfy at the diabetic daily requirement in , raise a tone, promotes insulin secretion. The additive fills an element the calcium necessary for people with the high maintenance of level of sugar in blood.
The given product provides with calcium of people which suffer . it is caused by a wrong diet and the high maintenance of level of sugar in blood. The given additive with low caloric content. With the small maintenance of the fats, not containing sucrose, can not only satisfy your flavouring requirements, but also improve health.
The maintenance of organic calcium high, a calcium and phosphorus parity - the most rational, factor - high.
The product can give to an organism many connections of carbohydrates, vitamins and microcells.
The product supplements daily requirement for nutrients, corrects a condition , caused by a wrong, unusual diet.
The product , contains few fats, does not contain some sucrose. Taste soft, fragrant, even at a habit to use something sweet, a product will be to taste.
All components of a product - a natural origin, without the preservative additive.
Structure of biocalcium for decrease in level of sugar:
Calcium from fresh bones of the horned cattle, allocated as a result processings (360 мг.в a bag), vitamins, microcells, including zinc, , a pumpkin powder, an extract.
The description of biocalcium for decrease in level of sugar
Is "the antidiabetic" additive, does not contain some sucrose, raises a tone, promotes insulin secretion. Does not replace medical products until sugar level in blood was normalised. It is desirable to test sugar level in blood.
Use of biocalcium for decrease in level of sugar
At insufficient receipt of calcium at diabetics and for the purpose of increase of secretion of insulin. The given product is a fruit of modern technology, it is made under the specific recipe, contains in the concentrated kind and the balanced dosage set of nutrients. Therefore for strengthening of health of the person its action versatile. The calcium maintenance in a product very high: in everyone 100 гр. A product 4000 mkg of Sa contain. With application technologies, the factor an organism makes 90 %.
How to accept biocalcium for decrease in level of sugar
On 1 bag in day. To dissolve bag contents in 1/2 glasses of warm water, to drink 10—15 minutes prior to meal or to add in various dishes of a semi-fluid consistence. On a course — 1 packing.