Calcium is one of the elements making a body of the person. 99 % of calcium contain in a skeleton and a teeth. The skeleton is the basic device of the person and serves as a calcium pantry. At the calcium containing in bones, can be allocated and thus provide genetic balance of calcium of blood and in bones.
Calcium is the most active element in a human body in such processes as: reaction of muscles, a fibrillation, a conglomeration of cages, nerves, signalling of rhythm of heart.
According to public health bodies of the USA, the adult person daily should receive 800 mg. Calcium, and the pregnant women, feeding mothers and people of aged age daily should receive not less than 1500 mg, children - 1000 mg. Calcium. In a usual foodstuff the calcium maintenance variously - for example: in meat products more than in the vegetative. However, mastering of calcium by a human body is predetermined геонизацией calcium and submitted to influence of vegetative acids, and the fats containing in a foodstuff. Therefore, actually, we can acquire only 20-30 % from the accepted quantity of calcium.
At such low biological it is difficult to satisfy requirements of calcium for an organism. can cause various diseases and physiological anomalies. At it is possible to observe set of diseases.
At babies: a delay in development, later a rising, "a tower" skull, an overdue teething, a fright and shout in the sleep, taste infringement, , spasms, a rickets, , feet become in the form of the letter "About" or «X», late start to go, night , a bad dream, periodic belly-aches, a breast and pains in chest bones, phalanxes of fingers - thin, small, weak.
In youth: sensation of a pain in the course of growth, spasms in finitenesses, fast fatigue, a superfluous dream, a bad dream, bad memory, frequent colds, an allergy, , a delay in development, low growth.
On the average and aged age: an osteoporosis, weakness and in finitenesses, pains and discomfort in the field of a waist, stoop, a climax syndrome, a hypertension, a diabetes, a lock, drowsiness, an all-overishness, spasms, психостения, stone illness, reduction of growth, illness of blood vessels of heart and a brain, weak-mindedness, a sclerosis of vessels, oncological diseases.
At pregnant women: pains and discomfort in the field of a waist and a back, sensitivity in finitenesses, spasms of muscles, spasms, articulate rheumatism, fragility of a teeth, ugly development of the fruit, insufficient allocation of milk, hair shine and skin loss, acceleration of process of ageing, an allergy, rheumatism.
At women: the aching pain in feet and a waist, a sleeplessness, bad memory, dizziness, a constant indisposition, thyroid gland dysfunction, infringement of internal secretion, a muscle weak, elasticity loss, a skin loses shine, fast ageing, an allergy, rheumatism.
At crisis of bones, because of an immovability at the patient the disbalance in process an exchange is observed, in a current of 5-6 weeks the person loses calcium from 1-2 % that leads to occurrence of other illness - an osteoporosis. With a view of satisfaction of a human body in a rational dosage of calcium, the corporation of bioengineering of "Tjanshi" presents to people the best gift - the product enriched by calcium.
The basic raw materials for manufacturing of the given product are fresh bones of horned livestock. With application of technology of bioengineering, the calcium containing in bone fabrics,
Corporation "Тяньши" lets out set of products with improving properties for the person, including the products enriched by the high maintenance of calcium. These products give to an organism the balanced nutrients necessary for the person that gives to people health and confidence. We all it give to each person who wishes to be healthy and happy.
The given product is a fruit of modern technology, it is made under the specific recipe, contains in the concentrated kind and the balanced dosage set of nutrients. Therefore for strengthening of health of the person its action versatile. The calcium maintenance in a product very high: in everyone 100 гр. A product 4000 mkg of Sa contain. With application technologies, the factor у an organism makes 90 %.
The basic components of a product:
Raw materials for manufacturing of a dietary product-calcium - fresh bones of horned livestock and many other nutrients. Thanks to bioengineering high technology, to processing, the product has been provided by set of nutrients, having kept in them natural properties the main place among which occupies organic calcium. Therefore, the given product is a product of thin processing and is easily acquired.
The maintenance of organic calcium high, a calcium and phosphorus parity - the most rational, factor - high.
The product can give to an organism many connections of carbohydrates, vitamins and microcells.
The product supplements daily requirement for nutrients, corrects a condition , caused by a wrong, unusual diet.
The product , contains few fats, does not contain some sucrose. Taste soft, fragrant, even at a habit to use something sweet, a product will be to taste.
All components of a product - a natural origin, without the preservative additive.
1. At an osteoporosis of bones, spasms in muscles;
2. For improvement of coagulability of blood and decrease in permeability of vessels;
3. At insufficient function of parathyroid glands, diseases (an atherosclerosis, an ischemic heart trouble, );
4. At a chronic hepatitis and toxic defeats of a liver;
5. At allergic diseases (, a hay fever, an allergic bronchitis and a bronchial asthma);
6. At skin diseases
7. At treatment of a muscular dystrophy, crises of bones, man's barreness;
8. As means for increase of immunity, improvement of informative process, memory, a dream;
9. For preventive maintenance of caries of a teeth and oncological diseases.
How to accept biocalcium:
Direction of use:
On 1 bag in day.
To dissolve bag contents in half of glass of warm water, to drink 10—15 minutes prior to meal or to add in various dishes of a semi-fluid consistence.
On a course — 1 packing.