Zinc Capsules
Product structure:
Dairy acid, glucose, powder of fiber of an egg.
The microcell "zinc" is necessary for a human body, its biological value where is more difficult, than at other microcells. for the first time has been found out in 1961 г in young men in Iran when it has been noticed that at these people the increased sizes of a head, the low growth, the lowered sexual ability. It has been proved that all these negative phenomena are caused by a lack of an element of zinc of a food allowance and its incomplete assimilation.
1. Zinc participates in processes and plays the important role in activization of enzymes. More than 200 kinds of enzymes in a human body depend on presence of an element of zinc. Zinc plays a catalyst role, makes active enzyme, regulates its structure and directly participates in process of formation of nucleinic acid, a protein, cell fission, growth and regeneration.
2. In a human body zinc plays a huge role in formation of hormones. For teenagers in a stage of growth, rapid development, it has especially great value and is the most important nutrient. Scientific researches have shown - zinc makes direct impact on formation of collagenic fabrics and a skeleton. The additive of a missing element of zinc accelerates growth and development of the teenager; clinical supervision has shown that at children suffering, growth and development are late, and at the additive of an element of zinc - the effect of improving character is swept very up.
3. The element zinc plays great value for normal functioning of genitals and maintenance of sexual ability appropriate level. In a human body zinc is most of all concentrated in , appendages and to gland. But most of all a zinc microcell contains in sperm. Therefore, in young married couples can cause barreness. According to public health bodies of Iran, at children of school age, detains process of puberty and reduces functional activity of sexual gland.
4. The microcell zinc also is the important substance for maintenance and sight improvement. The maintenance of an element of zinc in the opinion of the person is great enough and can reach 21,86 mg. mol./gr. In a retina of an eye of zinc especially it is a lot of. Therefore, the zinc lack can lead to sight deterioration, decrease in ability of adaptation to darkness. In an everyday life it is necessary to pay special attention on reception and mastering of microcells of Sa and Zn. It is very important both for health of the person, and for short-sightedness preventive maintenance.
5. Zn influences flavouring sensitivity and appetite. Flavouring elements in a saliva are structural substance cages of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity. The main function of a flavouring element consists that it as the medium, influences flavouring sensitivity and appetite. At occurs and cages of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity. As a result of it apertures of flavouring receptors of language get littered, the food cannot touch flavouring receptors of language and the person loses sensation of taste and, hence, loses appetite.
6. The data of the scientific workings out which have appeared last years, asserts that the element zinc can raise immunity and brake ageing process. Norris confirms seven effects of zinc in the field of immunity increase:
# regulates functions of metal enzymes;
# it is necessary for synthesis DNA, RNA and the squirrel;
# regulates mutual reactions between pairing bodies - , - bodies-targets;
# it is necessary for regulation for function of the covers dependent on presence of calcium;
# the squirrel is necessary for fiber of functional structure, as for example;
# for lymphatic cages is the weak factor causing cracks.
it is possible to tell that all these factors which influence process of reproduction of cages, on fiber synthesis, activation , activity and movement of cages, influence immune reaction. Clinical supervision in China, in a province Chekiang and results of researches of institute «illnesses of senile age» have shown that at people of aged age, at the use of the food enriched by an element by zinc, immunity considerably raises.
# In an organism of the healthy person the zinc maintenance reaches approximately 0,003 % (1,4-2, Zg), on the average it is necessary to add 10-20 mg of zinc daily. The pregnant woman should acquire daily on 30 mg of zinc, for the child in a development stage 10 mg of zinc are necessary daily, 3,5 mg daily are required to the baby. In a human body zinc contains in a skin, hair, blood, bones, nails, a liver, kidneys, a pancreas, мьшшах and an internal.
The microcell zinc is a necessary and widespread element in a human body.
The zinc source too is extensive. This dry meat, a liver, eggs, fish. However, under the zinc maintenance, the leader is the oyster. In fabrics of an oyster the zinc maintenance reaches more than 1000 mg \kg. Usually at the zinc containing in meat products, factor higher. Besides, seeds , cedar nutlets, etc. products from seeds too are rich with zinc. The seed of cereal cultures contains much more zinc, than the refined foodstuff. However, the superfluous quantity of acid salts of a phytogenesis and vegetative acid in a human body, after connection with zinc, become a hindrance for zinc mastering in a small intestine.
At the countries where a phytogenesis foodstuff occupies a leading position, strangely enough, is present and . To call the population more to use the meat products rich with zinc, of course, would be ideal action. However, it is limited by level of the income of the population and the other developed traditions of culture of a food, therefore, to add zinc in a foodstuff, would be in the most simple, convenient and economic way for phenomenon liquidation . The food additives enriched by an element of zinc "Tjanshi", have great value for improvement of a physiological condition of the population.
Zinc plays the important role in activization of enzymes. More than 200 kinds of enzymes in a human body depend on presence of an element of zinc. Zinc plays a catalyst role, makes active enzyme, directly participates in process of formation of nucleinic acid, a protein, cell fission, growth and regeneration.
In a human body zinc plays a huge role in formation of hormones. For teenagers in a stage of growth, rapid development, it has especially great value and is the most important nutritious element. At children suffering growth and development are late.
The element zinc plays great value for normal functioning of genitals and maintenance of sexual ability appropriate level. in young men can cause barreness.
In a retina of an eye of zinc especially it is a lot of. Therefore, the zinc lack can lead to sight deterioration, decrease in ability of adaptation to darkness. In an everyday life it is necessary to pay attention not reception and mastering of microcells of Sa and Zn. It is very important both for health of the person, and for short-sightedness preventive maintenance.
The data of the scientific workings out which have appeared last years, asserts that the element zinc can raise immunity and brake ageing process. It is generalised it is possible to tell that all these factors which influence process of reproduction of cages, on fiber synthesis, activation рецепиента, хориальную activity and movement of cages, influence immune reaction.
Clinical supervision in China have shown that at people of aged age, at the use of the food enriched by zinc, immunity considerably raises.
Clinical signs of infringement of an exchange of zinc:
Insufficiency of zinc in a diet causes a number of deep infringements in a human body:
· the Sharp growth inhibition.
· Infringements of formation of integuments: excessive dryness and vulnerability of a skin, propensity to allergic defeats, , various rashes on the person and finitenesses, skin.
· scalp Infringements (rare hair, early ) and diseases of nails.
· Decrease in stability of attention and short-term memory.
· the Various frustration of sexual function leading to childlessness (mainly because of an atrophy of sexual glands at men, underdevelopment of genitals).
· the Prostatitis and an adenoma glands.
· Premature birth and a birth weakened, children.
· brain Defeats: mental frustration (apathy, depression, confusion of consciousness, strengthening of symptoms of a schizophrenia, an epilepsy), neurologic infringements, (loss of flavouring sensations, a hearing disorder and sight).
· Infringements of coagulability of blood (propensity to bleedings).
· the Anemia character (an anaemia owing to the truncated life expectancy of red blood cages ).
· the Anemia (an anaemia owing to insufficient formation ).
· Decrease in the immune status (at the expense of falling of quantity of immune cages ).
Indications to application of the food additive BIOZINC:
· at decrease in sexual activity at women and men and at man's barreness;
· in puberty of young men;
· for the purpose of immunity increase at frequent простудных diseases, especially in advanced age;
· for preventive maintenance of short-sightedness and at visual acuity decrease;
· at skin diseases: rashes, ;
· at infringement of a fatty exchange and for prevention of a fatty dystrophy of a liver;
· in a diet of the people using of few products of an animal origin;
· at a diabetes, diseases glands, the slowed down healing of wounds;
· for the purpose of working capacity increase at increase in intellectual loading or memory easing;
· at an anaemia.
Direction of use:
To accept during the maximum work of a meridian of kidneys from 17 o'clock till 19 o'clock or a threefold heater from 21 o'clock till 23 o'clock, washing down with 1 glass of water.
Children till 10 years: on 1-2 capsules in day.
Children till 14 years: on 2 capsules in day.
Adults: on 3-6 capsules in day.
Unit Price : £ 7.85